Donna Blinman Animal Rehabilitation
As a life coach, veterinary surgeon and equine osteopath, Donna has a unique approach to understanding animal - human relationships. Through her 1:1 coaching sessions and group workshops she helps to facilitate more joyful connections between animals and their people. .
Donna assists owners with a wide range of challenges, some of the most common include:
Behavioural difficulties
Health challenges; long term poor health, injury or illness
Lack of confidence, in both owners and animals
Riding problems
Grief from the loss of a pet
How it works
Complete health care for domestic animals requires an understanding of their emotional needs. Animals who live closely with humans are strongly influenced by them, so one of the most impactful ways to positively effect a pet, is to be aware of the thoughts and feelings that are held when around them.
Where poor health, or difficult behaviours exist, owners can very understandably develop habits of negative thought patterns and feelings associated with the animal. This in turn, can have a profound effect on the animals overall sense of well being. Through her coaching Donna helps owners to developed awareness, tools and skills to intentionally choose and change their thought patterns and feeling.
Working through grief and loss
Our animals provided a very special connection to the pure, uncomplicated love and that we all want to experience all the time, so the grief suffered when loosing a pet can very powerful and debilitating. It is common to try to push these feelings away without processing them properly, and as a result grief can last for many years and may also impact the next relationship with an animal.
Through her coaching Donna helps with understanding and processing grief at it’s root, which allows it to be released in healthy ways so that owners can move forward with more freedom and peace.
Individual coaching sessions
Are held on zoom, they last 1hr and cost £60
Group workshops
Held on zoom or in person and are available on request